All around classes

How can I stop a class without deleting it?
To schedule a class, set the end date to today or yesterday in the «Ends at» field in the class settings and click on «Save class».  If the «Ends at» fiel...
Sun, 5 Feb, 2023 at 1:25 PM
What are classes, workshops and appointments?
In SportsNow you can create the following types of classes: A daily class is a class (e.g. spinning every day from 10 to 12 o'clock), which takes plac...
Tue, 11 Mar, 2025 at 9:13 AM
Why is the registration closed for a class?
By default, the cause is one of the following: The class was closed manually and must be reopened. See also: Close and reopen a class or Close and open a ...
Sun, 5 Feb, 2023 at 1:34 PM
How can I display the free places for a class?
You can specify in the class settings that the timetable always shows how many free places are still available for a lesson. By default, the free places...
Sun, 5 Feb, 2023 at 1:36 PM
Why does the number of participants in a lesson not match the class setting?
By default, the reason is that the relevant lessons have already been modified. Since individual changes to individual lessons always take precedence over g...
Sun, 5 Feb, 2023 at 1:41 PM
How can I change the settings of a class without affecting past lessons?
If you want to change the settings of a class (e.g. number of participants, instructor) without affecting past lessons, you can do this in two ways: For t...
Sun, 5 Feb, 2023 at 1:46 PM
What is the difference between the live calendar and the schedule?
Live calendar: Shows the lessons of the current week or the next 7 days. Thus, the date, current information and notes of the lessons are directly visible i...
Sun, 5 Feb, 2023 at 1:49 PM
Why does the Live Calendar show the daily view instead of the weekly view?
This is related to the number of classes. If you offer a certain number of classes in your studio, the live calendar will automatically show the daily view ...
Fri, 11 Sep, 2020 at 1:33 PM
How can I create livestream-only classes?
You can create livestream-only classes, i.e. without the presence classes in the studio, just like regular classes. If you would like to offer separate live...
Sun, 5 Feb, 2023 at 2:01 PM
How can I copy a class ?
SportsNow offers you the possibility to easily create a copy of the desired class. All settings are taken over, the name or the data can be edited afterward...
Tue, 16 May, 2023 at 8:38 AM