In SportsNow you can create the following types of classes:
- A daily class is a class (e.g. spinning every day from 10 to 12 o'clock), which takes place once every day (including Saturday and Sunday) at a fixed time.
- A weekly class is a class (e.g. Yoga on Tuesday from 6 to 7 pm) that takes place once a week at a fixed time.
- A bi-weekly class is a class (e.g. Pilates Flow on Monday from 9 to 10 am every other week) that takes place in a bi-weekly rhythm on a certain day at a fixed time.
- A monthly class is a class (e.g. meditation on the first Sunday of the month from 6 to 7 p.m.) that takes place once a month on a specific weekday at a defined time in a specific calendar week.
- A workshop is a one-off event (e.g. a training weekend) that takes place at a specified date or time.
- An individual appointment is a bookable appointment (e.g. for a personal training), which can be booked by members in a given time frame. For example, a personal training which lasts 45 minutes and your members can book such a training every Tuesday and Thursday morning between 09 and 12 o'clock. So your members have different time slots in which they can book a personal training, the first one is from 09:00 to 09:45.
The administration of the daily and weekly classes, as well as the workshops, happens directly in the participant list of the corresponding class. There you have the possibility to edit the class individually, add members and make further adjustments. More information about it can be found here: Manage participant lists and bookings
You can find an overview of the individual appointments directly in your admin area under «My appointments». There you can book and manage appointments for your members. More information can be found here: Individual appointments