SportsNow offers you the possibility to easily create a copy of the desired class. All settings are taken over, the name or the data can be edited afterward. By default, no participants of the original class will be copied. To create a copy, proceed as follows:

  • Click in the admin area on «Set up my studio» - «My class schedule».
  • Scroll to the «Past classes» section.
  • Click on «Action» - «Create a copy» for the desired class.
  • Then click on «Action» - «Edit» and edit the copied class (change the name, start date, etc.).
  • When you are finished, click on «Save class settings».

If the class was deleted, you will find it under the «Deleted classes» section. To create a copy, first restore the class using  «Action» - «Restore class». Afterward, a copy can be created analogously, or the class can be adjusted directly.