Who can use this function?

  • Administrators
  • Premium BASIC / Add-On «Integrated health questionnaire».

SportsNow offers you the option of creating standardized or individual health questionnaires. Thanks to the integrated health questionnaire, you can find out immediately how your members' health is doing. In this step-by-step guide, we explain how to activate the function, set up health questionnaires and fill them out for your members. 

Good to know 

  • SportsNow offers a free and predefined standard health questionnaire by default, which is based on the PAR-Q (Physical Activity Readiness Questionaire) questionnaire.
  • If the function is activated, members must complete the health questionnaire each time they purchase a new pass.
  • The details of the completed health questionnaire can also be seen in the list of participants when booking.
  • If you scroll down in the customer details of a member, you will find the health problems indicated in the “Health questionnaire” section.
  • The individual health questionnaire can be created in several languages (DE; FR; EN; IT). The language set for the studio is activated by default.
  • «Yes» answers are highlighted when health questionnaires are completed so that health problems can be recognized immediately.
  • If a health questionnaire is already active and has been completed by members, its questions and answer options can no longer be edited.

Step-by-step instructions 

Activate health questionnaire

On the web

  • In the admin area, click on «Set up my studio» - «Further settings» - «Booking settings».
  • Check the box next to «The customer must complete a health questionnaire when purchasing a new pass».
  • You can uncheck this box at any time if you no longer want this setting.

This function is only available online.

Set up an individual health questionnaire

On the web

  • In the admin area, click on «Set up my studio» - «Further settings» - «Booking settings» «Health questionnaire settings».
  • To create a new individual health questionnaire, click on «Create new health questionnaire».
  • Settings:
    • Name: Enter the name of the corresponding health questionnaire so that it can be distinguished from other health questionnaires if necessary.
    • Valid from: Optionally select the date from which this health questionnaire should be active. If this field is empty, this health questionnaire is active immediately.
    • Valid until: Optionally select the date until which this health questionnaire should remain active. If this field is empty, this health questionnaire will always remain active.
    • Language: Select the language in which you would like to create the health questionnaire. You can create the health questionnaire in multiple languages by activating multiple languages.
    • Categories: Define the corresponding categories for which this health questionnaire must be completed. If several health questionnaires are created for a category, the member must complete several health questionnaires when booking.
  • Create questions: Click on «Add question»and then select the desired type of question: 
    • Yes/No question: Here you can create a question that your members can only answer with «Yes» or «No».
    • Question with free answer: Here you can create a question that your members can answer with a free answer as text in a text field.
    • Question with one possible answer: Here you can create a question in which your members can only select one option from several options provided by you (single choice). Click on «Add answer» to create another answer option.
    • Question with multiple answer options: Here you can ask a question in which your members can select several options from several options you have provided (multiple choice). Click on «Add answer» to create another answer option.
  • You can use the arrows on the right-hand side of a created question to change the order of the questions by moving the question either up («Up arrow») or down («Down arrow»).
  • To delete a created question from the questionnaire, click on the cross «x» to the right of the corresponding question.
  • When you have finished creating the individual health questionnaire with all the questions and settings, click on «Create health questionnaire» to save the process and activate the health questionnaire.

Manage individual health questionnaires

On the web

  • Edit: To edit an existing health questionnaire, click on «Action» - «Edit» for the relevant questionnaire.
  • Create a copy: To create a copy of an existing health questionnaire, click on «Action» - «Create copy» for the corresponding questionnaire.
  • Delete: If you no longer use a health questionnaire, you can delete it. To do this, click on «Action» - «Delete» for the relevant health questionnaire.
  • Restore: Deleted health questionnaires can be restored under «Deleted health questionnaires» by clicking on «Restore» for the relevant health questionnaire.

Completing health questionnaires for members

On the web

  • Click on «My customers» in the admin area.
  • Click on «View customer details» for the desired member.
  • Click on the «Complete health questionnaire» button.
  • Answer all the questions.
  • Save the answers by clicking on «Save health questionnaire».

This function is only available online.