Having problems playing your videos? Below you will find some suggested solutions to fix the most common playback problems.

Problem: Video stutters

If the picture stutters when streaming a video, this is often due to a slow internet connection, a device that is too slow or a video file that is too large.

Proposed solutions:

  • The internet connection must be fast and stable for the video to load.
  • The device must be powerful enough and have enough free space to play the video optimally. On devices that are too old or have insufficient memory, the video in the app may not play smoothly. In this case, it may help to watch the video on SportsNow directly in the web browser (and not through the app) because the web browser is a system application.
  • The file size should be as small as possible. This can be achieved if the resolution is not too high and the video has a short duration. Usually, a resolution of maximum 720p is sufficient. 
  • The video file is saved in the MP4 format.

Problem: Video cannot be played

Proposed solutions:

  • As cloud storage, either Dropbox or OneDrive should be used.
  • If you use OneDrive, activate the OneDrive integration.
  • You have shared the video file and are using the video sharing link. The link must be set so that everyone on the Internet can view the element via this link.
  • The file size should be as small as possible. This can be achieved if the resolution is not too high and the video has a short duration. Usually, a resolution of maximum 720p is sufficient. 
  • The video file is saved in the MP4 format.
  • The internet connection must be fast and stable for the video to load.
  • The device must be powerful enough and have enough free space to play the video optimally. On devices that are too old or have insufficient memory, the video in the app may not play smoothly. In this case, it may help to watch the video on SportsNow directly in the web browser (and not through the app) because the web browser is a system application.
  • Compare your uploading procedure with our recommendations as well: Video portal explained