Who can use this feature?

  • Administrators and instructors + back office
  • Premium MAX PRO / Add-On «Salary system» and «Valuable Statistics»

SportsNow offers you the possibility to calculate the wages of your team members directly in SportsNow. You can choose whether you want to calculate hourly or monthly wages. You can also specify whether the team member also receives a bonus and how this is calculated.

Good to know

  • Hourly wage: The team member receives a fixed amount per class held. Optionally, a bonus can be paid based on the number of participants. You can find an example below.
  • Monthly wage: The team member receives a fixed monthly wage, regardless of the number of classes held. Optionally, a bonus can be set in the form of a share of the pass price (price/credit).
  • If the salary of a team member consists only of the share of the pass, i.e. the number of credits used for the classes held, the salary type «Monthly wage» is selected and an amount of CHF 0 is entered under «Salary (CHF)». An example of this can be found at the end of this manual.
  • Individual payroll: You can find a detailed list of how the wages of an individual team member are made up by going to «Valuable statistics» - «Staff salaries» and clicking on «Action» - «View details » to see a list of all the classes held by the team member.

Step-by-step instructions

Set up employee wages 
On the web
  • Click in the admin area on «Set up my studio» - «My Team».
  • Find the team member you want, choose «Action» - «Edit».
  • Scroll down and click on «Salary settings».
  • Salary type: Choose whether the team member is paid hourly or monthly wages.
  • Calculation type: Select whether the employee's salary should be calculated by number of lessons or by time.
    • Calculation by number of lessons: The employee's salary is calculated based on the number of lessons, regardless of how long the individual lessons lasted. 
    • Calculation by time: The employee's salary is calculated based on the time taught, regardless of the number of lessons, but depending on the total time taught.
  • Salary (CHF): Enter the amount.
  • Bonus system:
    If you selected «Hourly wage», the following options appear:
    • If the member receives a bonus, select «Tiered by number of participants». If not, choose «Without bonus».
    • You can define for three levels, from which number of participants a team member receives which wage.
    • Not counting bookings with free pass or without pass.:  If this is the case, check the box here.
    • Not counting catch-up bookings of participants from other classes.: If this is the case, check the box here.

If you selected «Monthly wage», the following options appear.

  • If the member receives a bonus, select «Commission on pass: price / credit». If not, choose «Without bonus».
  • Percent %: Enter the percentage that the team member will receive in the value of a credit.
  • When you are finished, click on «Save staff member».

Statistics staff salaries
On the web
  • Click in the admin area on «Valuable statistics».
  • Click on «Staff salaries».
  • Select the desired wage type (hourly or monthly wages) and the desired time period.
  • When you are finished, click on «Calculate now».
  • You will now see a list of all employees who have worked in the selected period and how much their wages are.
  • Click on «Action» and you have the following options:
    • View details: You will find a list of the individual classes that the team member led. 
    • Print 
    • Printing without logo
  • Click on «Perform new calculation»to perform a new calculation.

Example hourly wages with a bonus

  • A Group Fitness instructor works on an hourly wage and receives an additional bonus if more participants attend the lesson.
  • Hourly wage: The normal hourly wage is CHF 55.
  • Bonus graded according to the number of members: The better the class is attended, the more salary the instructor receives. The following levels are defined: 
    • From 11 participants, the instructor receives CHF 60 per class.
    • From 18 participants, she receives CHF 65 per class.
  • SportsNow automatically includes the number of participants in the salary calculation and thus shows the salary.

Example monthly wages with bonus
  • A personal trainer works on commission and receives a share of the pass price as salary.
  • Monthly salary: CHF 0, because he only receives salary when he gives personal trainings.
  • Bonus system with commission on the pass (price / credit): 100%, therefore if a member books a personal training, the personal trainer receives as a wage the value of a credit from the used pass of the member.

    Example: If the pass costs CHF 500 and has a credit of 10, the personal trainer receives 100% of CHF 500/ 10 credit, which equals CHF 50. 

  • If the personal trainer should not receive the full value of the credit, the entry in the bonus system can be adjusted to the desired share (e.g. 50%). This means that the trainer will now receive 50% of the value of the credit as a salary. In the above example, this would be 50% of CHF 500/ 10 credit, which corresponds to CHF 25.