Who can use this feature?

  • Administrators and instructors + back office
  • Premium MAX PRO / Add-On «Shift schedules»

SportsNow offers you the possibility to create shift schedules for your team members. Shift schedules are used in the context of booking appointments and allow you to define working hours and absences per team member. This allows members to only book appointments with a team member when that team member is actually available.

Step-by-step instructions

Create and edit shift schedules

On the web

  • Click in the admin area on «My appointments».
  • Click on «My shift schedules».
  • Now select the desired member and click on «Edit» to open the shift schedule.
  • You now have two options: edit the shift schedule or enter absences.
  • This member works according to a shift schedule: To activate the shift schedule, you have to tick the box here.
  • This member can edit his shift schedule himself: Depending on whether you want the team member to be able to edit their shift schedule themselves or not, you tick the box here.
  • Now set the days and times when the team member is present.
  • When you are finished, click «Save settings».

Create shift schedules for a device

On the web

  • Click in the admin area on «Set up my studio»«My Team».
  • Click on «Add new member». For the name, you can simply enter the name of the device. For the other information, you can use wildcards (e.g. "-").
  • Check the option «Don't show staff member publicly under "Our Team"», so that the device is not listed as a team member on your SportsNow page. 
  • You can set the device as the responsible team member in the class settings. 

You can now create a shift schedule for this device.

For instructors

Edit shift schedules

  • Click in the admin area on «My appointments».
  • Click on «My shift schedules».
  • Now set the days and times you are present.
  • When you are finished, click on «Save settings».

Add absence

  • To add an absence, click on «Absences».
  • Click on «Add absence» to create a new absence.
  • Description: Enter the description of the absence here. Example: "Vacation". 
  • Enter the duration of the absence.
  • When you are finished, click on «Add absence».