Who can use this feature?

  • Administrator and instructors +back office 
  • FREE

In SportsNow you have the possibility to create categories to structure your own offer. They are needed so that your members can buy the offered lessons with different passes, thus you can offer your lessons at different prices. Passes and lessons assigned to the same category can be used together. Create a separate category for passes that are valid only for certain classes. In this tutorial you will learn step-by-step how to create a new category, how to edit it and what settings are available to you.

Good to know

  • On your SportsNow website, the categories are listed alphabetically in the «Passes & Prices» tab. Below that, you can see all subscriptions that can be used in this category. In addition, the hours are listed under «Appointments» in the respective categories.
  • You can structure your categories so that they fit your offer. Among other things, you can distinguish the type of classes you offer by category (e.g. yoga, boot camp, outdoor) or by location (e.g. Bern, Zurich, Aarau).
  • The Premium Enterprise is required to define subcategories. However, subcategories are not required by default, but are only used for specific complex cases.
  • You can find out more about the settings for your classes here: Class settings explained
  • You can read more about the pass settings here: Pass settings explained

Step-by-step instructions

On the web

  • Click in the admin area on «Set up my studio».
  • In the progress bar, click on «My Categories».
  • To create a new category, click on «Add new category».
  • To edit an existing category, click «Action» - «Edit».
  • Once you are done, click «Save Category».

All fields and settings explained:

  • Name: enter the name of the category here.
  • Description: Enter details about the category here. 
  • Require prior experience for this category.: If this option is enabled, members must confirm that they have prior knowledge before making an initial booking. Otherwise, they will be given the option to sign up for an introduction.
  • This category is a subcategory: This option gives you the possibility to arrange your categories hierarchically. You have the option to assign this category to another one, so it will not be displayed on your website as a separate category. 
    • Main category: Select here the main category to which the category will be subordinated.

Use categories

Below we explain how to use categories to link your lessons and passes.

Step-by-step guide

On the web

  • Click in the admin area on «Set up my studio».
  • In the progress bar, click on «My Categories».
    To create a new category, click on «Add new category»or click «Action» - «Edit» to edit an existing category. Once you are done, click «Save Category».
  • Then click on «My class schedule» in the progress bar.
    Create the lesson you want, or edit an existing lesson. Select the desired category in the «Category» field. When you are done, click on «Create lesson».
  • Click on «My passes» in the progress bar.
    Create or edit the desired pass. In the «Where can this pass be used?» field, select the same category that you selected for the lesson. Once you are done, click on «Save pass».

The pass and the lesson are now in the same category and can be booked together. For passes that are only valid for certain classes, a new category is needed.