Who can use this feature?

  • Administrators and instructors + back office
  • Premium BASIC / Add-On «Messaging function»

For optimal communication, SportsNow lets you quickly and easily send messages to selected members or groups of members. A push message reaches your members directly on their smartphones and remains visible for 24 hours in the «Home» section of the SportsNow app.

Step-by-step instructions

Send message

On the web

  • Click in the admin area on «Messages».
  • You are now in the menu where you can create and send a message.
  • Recipient: You have different possibilities, who should be the receiver.
    For example, you can only send a message to members who have an active pass. You can also send a message to a member group or to the participants of a selected lesson: Member groups explained
  • Message: Enter your text here (max. 255 characters).
  • Click on «Send Message» to send the message. It may take a few minutes for the message to be sent and received.
  • After the message has been sent successfully, you will receive a message confirming this.

In the app

  • Press on «Admin» - «Messages».
  • You are now in the menu where you can create and send a message.
  • Recipient: You have different possibilities, who should be the receiver.
    For example, you can only send a message to members who have an active pass. You can also send a message to a member group or to the participants of a selected lesson: Member groups explained
  • Message: Enter your text here (max. 255 characters).
  • Press «Send Message» to send the message. It may take a few minutes for the message to be sent and received. 
  • A message confirms the successful sending.

View sent messages

On the web

  • Click in the admin area on «Messages».
  • Click on the tab «Sent messages».
  • You will now see all sent messages.