Who can use this function?

  • Administrators and instructors +Back office
  • Premium MAX PRO / Add-on ‘Automatic reminders and fees’

SportsNow offers you the option to define reminder fees for each reminder level. Optionally, a separate reminder fee can be set for each reminder level. The reminder fees are added directly to the outstanding invoice amount and shown as a separate item on the invoice.

Step-by-step guide

On the web

  • In the admin area, click on «Set up my studio»  –  «Further settings»  –  «Payment settings».
  • Scroll down to «Reminder fees».
  • First reminder fee: Enter the reminder fee you want to charge for the first reminder.
  • For the second and third overdue fines, repeat the process for «Second Overdue Fee» and «Third Overdue Fee».
  • When you are done, click on «Save settings».