If the invoice status shows the message "bexio: Synchronization problem" and therefore the synchronized invoice in bexio has a missing invoice item, there is a problem with the bexio settings under «Apps & Integrations» - «bexio». At the top of this page, the setting causing the problem is displayed by default.

Checking the following points should solve the problem by default:

  • Default VAT sales tax: make sure the selected sales tax is visible and valid in bexio.
    All tax rates in bexio can be found here: https://office.bexio.com/index.php/accountingSettings/taxList 
  • Use product-specific VAT sales tax, which is defined for the product in bexio: Make sure that a valid sales tax is defined for the products in bexio.
    You can find all the products in bexio here: https://office.bexio.com/index.php/artikel/list
  • Account for cash / invoice / bank transfer / credit card: Make sure that the selected account is active in bexio. The account list in bexio can be found here: https://office.bexio.com/index.php/accountingSettings/accountList 
  • Check whether you can manually create a complete invoice in bexio with the selected settings to ensure that there are no more problems with the settings.
  • Save all settings again. At the next synchronization, the problem should be resolved and the invoice, including the item, should be able to be created. Note that the synchronization is carried out several times a day. It may therefore take a moment for the invoices to be synchronized again.